In the Apostle Paul’s letter to the Ephesians he writes out an extended prayer that expresses his longing that his readers will be given by God the ability to understand something of the immeasurable height, depth, and breadth of how much God loves them. Do you think this prayer has anything to do not only […]
Justice in the Bible is often linked to God’s concern for those who have been hurt by people like Bin Laden and us. For most of that reason we are rightfully thankful when dangerous people are apprehended. We are reassured by the thought that the offenders of our children will have their day in Court. […]
Today US forces are claiming victory in the death of Osama Bin Laden. His body, according to government forces, has been buried at sea. The New York Daily News is marking the event with the headline “ROT IN HELL”. Yet, for all of the celebratory drinks that will be downed today, and as good and […]
What is real? And what is good? Those two questions, according to Dallas Willard, professor of philosophy at The University of Southern California in Los Angeles can help us think about what is at stake for us personally in this amazing journey we call life. In an interview for an future Day of Discovery program […]
On the way home from work last night, I saw this billboard on one of our busiest streets. The prediction has been showing up around the country. According to the sponsoring group, judgment day, and the end of the world as we know it, comes on May 21, 2011. Look close. The sign promises “The […]
As thoughts of ‘holy week” and “resurrection day” linger, here’s an update on the break-away, floating “lake shore” that produced my twi-light zone experience a couple of weeks ago. On our last visit to the lake, we found that city workers have dredged out and trucked away about ¾ of the mystery shoreline. At this […]
On this Resurrection Weekend, I’d like to point you to a couple minutes of personally expressed Jerusalem-based thoughts that have been posted on our Day of Discovery Website. They’re meant for anyone who comes into this weekend with a respect for Jesus, but a question of what to do with those thoughts. Here’s a link […]
According to Matthew’s gospel, Jesus began telling his disciples that he had to go to Jerusalem to suffer and die at the hands of the religious leaders (Matt 16:21). The same Gospel shows that the Lord predicted his death several more times in the days to come (Matt 17:22-23; 20:17-19; 20:28; 26:2). One text even […]
I want to show you a picture that may look normal to you, but not to me. You might tell me it’s nothing more than area of cattails, a common sight along the shoreline of many ponds and lakes. Maybe that’s what you would say. But when I took this picture the other day, I […]
Let’s pick up on a theme that surfaced a couple of times in the “From Your Window” comments. More than one of our friends talked about how hard it is to see a recurring pattern of church people attacking their leaders and hurting one another. Why does it happen? What causes us to turn into […]